Burial vs Cremation vs Aquamation

Burial, Cremation and Aquamation – The Difference Explained
What are the options of dealing with end-of-life arrangements? What is the difference between burial and cremation? How should one make a decision when faced with these choices? In this article, we look at the pros and cons of each option and what they mean in terms of practice.
Burial vs. Cremation vs. Aquamation: What are your funeral options?
Funeral ceremonies, while they may be getting simpler these days, are still an important part of our culture. They represent the last time we will see the person who has died and identify them to their loved ones. There are many ways to celebrate a funeral, from traditional funerals with a religious service and burial, to cremation which is becoming increasingly popular.
Burial is the traditional way of disposing of a body after death. A funeral service is held and the body is buried in a grave cavity or in a coffin.
Cremation is the process of burning a body. The bones, ashes and any other remains are burned inside an oven at extremely high temperatures. The result is an incinerated skeleton that can be scattered in a special place according to the wishes of the deceased.
Aquamation is a water-mediated process that flushes away unwanted bodily fluids, including fat and everything else except bone and teeth.
Both cremation and aquamation are great options for those who want to avoid traditional funerals. However, they both come with their own unique set of benefits and drawbacks. Aquamation is more environmentally friendly than cremation, as it doesn’t produce any pollution. However, it’s not as fast as cremation, so it may not be a perfect choice for those who want some sort of ceremony with their passing. Cremation is not as eco-friendly as aquamation, but it also generates less pollution than an equivalent amount of in-ground burial.
Differences between a burial and cremation
Traditional funeral ceremonies involve burying the deceased beneath the ground. This burial method has been around for centuries and is still used across the world. It has many advantages, such as being able to interact with the deceased after their death and ensuring that they are properly buried.
One potential downside to traditional burials is that it can be difficult to find a place for everyone. Burial plots are often limited and expensive, putting them out of reach for many people.
Cremation is becoming an increasingly popular funeral option. With cremation, all combustible material is burned away leaving only the skeletal remains. There are many reasons why people choose cremation over burial. Cremation is more affordable than burial, and it does not require land or a cemetery. It is also more environmentally friendly than a traditional burial. Ashes are placed in an urn or urn-like container and disposed of in a respectful manner, such as scattering them over water or plants, instead of being buried.
What is aquamation exactly?
Aquamation is gaining in popularity as people seek to simplify their funerals and cut costs. Aquamation involves temporarily preserving the body using a process called hydrolysis which dissolves the body’s tissues into water and salt. After the remains have been dissolved, they are then placed in an embalming fluid that re-hydrates the tissues and replaces lost fluids. Aquamation offers many benefits over traditional funerals, including the ability to retain the body indefinitely in a private setting, the ability to have a relatively simple ceremony without religious obligation, and the potential to reduce costs.
The pro’s and con’s
Traditional funerals are typically time-consuming and expensive. This is because many traditional funeral rites require a large casket, burial shroud or coffin, and often involve elaborate ceremonies with mourning relatives and friends.
Some of the benefits of a traditional burial include:
-Burials are more traditional and often involve more religious ceremonies than cremation or aquamations, often giving mourning family members a stronger sense of a final fitting tribute to their loved ones.
-Burials typically take longer than cremations or aquamations, which may give family members time to reflect on their loved one’s life.
-Grave sites are typically final resting places for loved ones, which can be comforting for some families.
Cremation and aquamation are becoming more popular as people seek to reduce funeral expenses. As these options do not require any burial or mourning rituals, it can be a cost-effective and simpler choice for some families.
Planning your loved one’s final farewell
There are a few key things to keep in mind when planning a funeral or memorial service. Here are some suggestions to help make the process easier and more meaningful for everyone involved.
– First, think about what you want your final goodbye to be. Is it a traditional funeral with a wake and funeral service followed by burial or cremation? Or are you looking for something less conventional, like memorial urns that can be used at any time of year?
– Next, consider who will officiate your service. A priest or minister can provide solemn religious readings and prayers, while an Officer of the Court or other government official may offer more secular readings and condolences.
– Make sure there is enough food and drink available, especially if there are children in attendance. A memorial service is a somber event, but it’s also important to remember that everyone is entitled to have their personal farewell ceremony.
– Finally, be sure to select symbols that represent you and your loved ones to put on display during the service. These might include photographs, mementos from your life together, or objects that represent your favorite memories.
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